11 Years Since 9/11

It’s been 11 years since the September 11th terrorist attack on the US. I remember being in my first period Algebra class at West Side High School in Gary, IN when the teacher turned on the news and we watched, not really understanding what was going on. (Damn, I just realized how old I’m getting). Nearly 3,000 lives were lost that day, and though it never hit close to home for me, it definitely made me question what the hell was going on in my country.

Today, we remember those lives of victim’s, firefighters, and police officers whose lives were sacrificed that day. To the families who were affected by the tragedy, we here at THM know that this will never go away, but we hope that as each year goes by, it gets a little easier. The memory of your loved ones will forever be in the hearts of the American people.

Video Source: ITN News

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